Meet the authors
Joe Connors
Joseph Connors is an assistant professor of economics in the Barney Barnett School of Business and Free Enterprise at Florida Southern College. He teaches principles of microeconomics, microeconomic theory, and philosophy of business. His research interests are how economic and political institutions impact the poor in the developing world and the political economy of rent seeking. Dr. Connors is a research fellow for The Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics.
Pam Cooper
Pam is the author of Economics In A Box and co-author of Oikonomia-Economics for Life and Flourishing. Over the years, she has served on state organizations promoting competitive speech and debate, taught economics in homeschool co-ops and assisted private school teachers in the development of economic instruction. Pam has participated on the advisory team for Florida State University’s Stavros Center as a homeschool consultant and served in that capacity to develop faith-based content for economic education.
Pam’s passion for equipping students with a Christian worldview and training them to engage their culture through competitive speech and debate, provided a strong foundation for developing this popular economics program based on a Christian worldview.
Now, having homeschooled for over 25 years and graduated the last of her 5 children, she is enjoying the fruits of her labor as her family grows and serves together in the mission of For Life and Flourishing.
Delighting in the Father’s
Good Gifts
Good Gifts
Grateful for friends, family, and GRACE!
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights…” –James 1:17