- You are the original purchaser of the Oikonomia curriculum and will not share your access code with anyone outside of your immediate family.
- You understand that access to the online resources is available for only a period of one semester with a maximum access of 6-months.
- You understand the Online video segments viewed through www.econforlife.com are copyrighted materials and are available only for educational use to reinforce economic concepts contained in the course textbooks: Common Sense Economics and Money, Greed, and God.
- You understand the Video segments are supplemental to the coursework and may be changed at any time by the authors of OIKONOMIA: Economics for Life and are not guaranteed to be permanently available through this website.
- You agree to not reproduce (by any process such as electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, storage in a retrieval system, transmit by any means or transfer to another user) the content from the password protected area of this website.