What is OIKONOMIA: Economics for Life and Flourishing

A 16-week hybrid economics course, utilizing the best and most current resources available in economics education. This course provides over 90 hours of instruction in micro and macroeconomics and fully satisfies the ½ credit (Carnegie Unit) required by most high schools.

Oikonomia incorporates both print and online resources to meet the needs of those homeschooling, taking classes at a local co-op, or those teaching in traditional private or classical high schools.

PRINT resources include:

  • Oikonomia Teacher Guide
    (including 13 quizzes and 3 cumulative exams)
  • Oikonomia Student Workbook
  • *Oikonomia Group Activities book (*recommended for class sizes of 10 or more)
And the core texts used in the course,
  • Common Sense Economics-Third Edition by Gwartney, Stroup, Lee, Ferrarini, and Calhoun
  • Money, Greed, and God-The Christian Case for Free Enterprise 10th Anniversary Edition by Jay W. Richards

ONLINE resources include:

42 Articles

Written by famous economists and influential writers ranging from Brooks, Friedman and Hazlitt to Olasky, Corbett and Fikkert and from sources as diverse as The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), The Wall Street Journal, The Gospel Coalition, The Heritage Foundation, The Acton Institute, The Mackinac Center for Public Policy, and the Institute for Faith, Work and Economics. These articles help students make the connections between key economic principles and the public policy issues dominating today’s headlines.

and over 100 edited and engaging video clips

Selected video clips reinforce learned economic principles and show how they are a part of everyday life. From the commerce of Hong Kong to the slums of Kenya’s Kibera, from John Stossel’s humor and cynicism, to Reverend Sirico’s passionate praise of entrepreneurship as a spiritual vocation—these video clips take students on an unforgettable journey around the world that not only entertain and inform, but inspire!

NEW for 2022!

Digital versions of the Oikonomia Student Workbook and Oikonomia Parent Answer Key

The digital version of the Oikonomia Student Guide contains all the same information as the print version and enables students to complete all the workbook pages online and then email their completed forms to their teacher.

The digital version of the Oikonomia Parent Answer Key enables parents and teachers to keep their students on track and check their students daily work. This digital book contains all the same information as the print version EXCEPT for the Quizzes and Exams making this a perfect resource for parents whose children are enrolled in an Oikonomia co-op or private school class outside of their home.

and How Does It Work?

With all these resources, you may be wondering how they all work together,


Whether you are working individually at home, as part of a local homeschool co-op or tutorial, or as one of the many small Christian Classical or hybrid schools popping up all over the country, the Oikonomia Road Map makes it easy to integrate this course into a variety of educational environments.

A Quick Glance at the Oikonomia Road Map…

The Oikonomia Teacher Guide and Student Workbook provide the road map to navigate specific week by week and day by day instructions on what to do and when to do it.

The first page of every week is a syllabus providing an overview and daily breakdown of that week’s required readings, videos, assignments, quizzes and exams.

Day 1 is always a class or parent instruction day and is made up of two parts:
  • Looking Back—which prompts a review of the previous week’s materials and assignments.
  • Looking Ahead—which prompts discussion and activities designed to raise the student’s curiosity about the upcoming week’s concepts and topics. Day 1 discussion are before they engage with the material.


Days 2-5 comprise the bulk of the “seat work” students do on their own. Each day, icons guide the student sequentially through resources highlighting economic concepts and principles using a READ-WATCH-DO sequence that links the readings and videos thematically.
  • READ from one of the two main texts: Common Sense Economics or Money, Greed and God

  • READ an article from the ECONFORLIFE.com website
  • WATCH an online video from the ECONFORLIFE.com website

As students read and watch, they also interact (do) with questions that challenge them to identify, explore and sometimes apply the concepts and principles they have learned. Typically, answers can be found sequentially in the text; however, some questions require students to move beyond the obvious answers. These questions are identified by the following symbols:

  • Tying It Together — Answers to these questions require students to tie several concepts or passages (often found near each other).


  • Digging Deeper — These questions are designed to challenge students to apply their knowledge. Answers can be gleaned from the text; however, they may require additional research or a clearly articulated opinion.

In addition to the “READ-WATCH-DO” course work, are Critical Thinking Assignments — Here students are challenged with the opportunity to engage the economic concepts in a more practical and critical manner. These assignments require students do research outside the course material and, while some may take as little as 15 minutes, others may take a few hours. Additionally, these assignments present opportunity for students to utilize planning, writing and sometimes research – all excellent opportunities to grow in skills needed for post high school education.

Want to SEE how it all works together? Take a test drive now!